This is the FIRST of a THREE PART TOURNAMENT SERIES! Join Friends of HorseThief on May 25, 2019 to throw horseshoes.
$40.00 per Team to Enter
16 teams will be allowed to enter.
Registration begins at 9:00 a.m.
Throwing begins at 9:30 a.m.
Hot Dogs and Hamburgers served to all participants
Payouts for all Tournaments will be $100.00 for 1st, $75.00 for 2nd and $50.00 for 3rd.
You may sign up on May 25th for the other two tournaments which will be held July 13, 2019 and on Labor Day Weekend – August 31. 2019. Participants that make all THREE Tournaments will get registered to win a Treager Grill at the end of the Tournament Season